Home Up PDF Prof. Dr. Ingo Claßen
System Design
  • Reliably Processing Trillions of Kafka Messages Per Day (link)

  • How does LinkedIn process 4 Trillion Events every day? (link)

  • How I Dockerized Apache Flink, Kafka, and PostgreSQL for Real-Time Data Streaming (link)

  • Controlling Resource Consumption on a PostgreSQL Server Using Linux cgroup2 (link)

  • How I Built This Data Platform in One Week (link)

  • Design a Real-Time Leaderboard system for millions of users (link)

  • Seamless Data Analytics Workflow: From Dockerized JupyterLab and MinIO to Insights with Spark SQL (link)

  • Building Pinterest’s new wide column database using RocksDB (link)

  • Data Engineering End-to-End Project — Spark, Kafka, Airflow, Docker, Cassandra, Python (link)

  • An Overview of Distributed PostgreSQL Architectures (link)

  • Delivering billions of real-time updates cost-effectively: Our journey (link)

  • High-Level System Architecture of Booking.com (link)

  • Asynchronous Magic: PyNest and SQLAlchemy 2.0 Drive a 25% Improvement in Python Apps Performance (link)

  • Building a Plotly Dashboard on a Lakehouse using Apache Iceberg & Arrow (link)

  • End-to-End Data Engineering System on Real Data with Kafka, Spark, Airflow, Postgres, and Docker (link)

  • Ray Infrastructure at Pinterest (link)