create or replace view v_graph_haltestelle as
select hid, bez
from haltestelle;
create or replace view v_graph_segment as
select hid_a * 100000 + hid_b as sid, hid_a, hid_b, laenge_in_meter
from segment
select hid_b * 100000 + hid_a as sid, hid_b, hid_a, laenge_in_meter
from segment;
create or replace procedure proc_shortest_segment_path (
in p_src integer, in p_dst integer, in p_by_hops boolean, out p_path_table tt_segment_path)
language graph
reads sql data
Graph v_graph = Graph("GWS_BUBAHN");
Vertex v_src = Vertex(:v_graph, :p_src);
Vertex v_dst = Vertex(:v_graph, :p_dst);
if (:p_by_hops) {
WeightedPath<BIGINT> v_path = SHORTEST_PATH(:v_graph, :v_src, :v_dst);
p_path_table = select :i, :e.hid_a, :e.hid_b
foreach e in Edges(:v_path) with ordinality as i;
} else {
WeightedPath<Int> v_path = SHORTEST_PATH(:v_graph, :v_src, :v_dst, (Edge e) => Int {return :e.laenge_in_meter;});
p_path_table = select :i, :e.hid_a, :e.hid_b
foreach e in Edges(:v_path) with ordinality as i;
create or replace function func_shortest_segment_path(
in p_src integer, in p_dst integer, in p_by_hops boolean
) returns tt_segment_path
language sqlscript
reads sql data
declare v_segment_path tt_segment_path;
call proc_shortest_segment_path(:p_src, :p_dst, :p_by_hops, v_segment_path);
return :v_segment_path;
Bundesplatz 10148
HeidelbergerPlatz 10152
KonstanzerStr 10242
KottbusserTor 10243
Rüdesheimer Platz 10291
SpichernStr 10303